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Preservation of NK cells from umbilical cord blood

Natural Killer (NK) cells were discovered more than 40 years ago, and they have attracted particular interest among oncologists and immunologists over the past 10 years. These cells recognize their targets (infected or dysfunctional cells) using specific receptors, inducing cell lysis, or programmed cell death (apoptosis). As a result of their ability to produce interferon-γ they can kill virus-infected cells, and by inhibiting angiogenesis they can counteract tumor growth.

In addition to making available a high quantity of hematopoietic stem cells, the preservation of the umbilical cord blood also guarantees a valuable reserve of NK cells for autologous or haploidentical use.

A new therapeutic approach in immuno-oncology

Several studies have demonstrated the feasibility and safety of therapies based on the use of NK cells.

The use of HAPLOIDENTICAL NK cells (i.e. cells obtained from a blood relative – parent, child, sibling or cousin) and AUTOLOGOUS cells (i.e. cells from the same patient), combined with new approaches aimed at sensitizing against tumor cells, has opened up new approaches in immuno-oncology. In addition to representing a new therapeutic approach, this strategy can also serve to develop an anti-tumor immunity that delays the development of cancer.

What is important to know about the storage of NK cells from umbilical cord blood

What are NK Cells?

NK cells are white blood cells involved in both innate immune responses and acquired immunity. In addition to defending the body from external attacks, they recognize and kill tumor cells, and are involved in the phenomena of autoimmunity.

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What are NK Cells used for?

When the immune system is not in an optimal condition, serious diseases can take over. Infusion of haploidentical NK cells is a safe practice, and cryopreserved NK cells are an investment in the health of your children and of compatible family members..

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Why store NK Cells?

Umbilical cord blood is the best source of NK cells: it is richer in them than peripheral blood and bone marrow, contains absent progenitors in peripheral blood, and requires simpler isolation procedures.

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The blood contained in the umbilical cord, rich in stem cells and NK cells, can be collected during birth in a simple way, without risk for the mother and her newborn. Discover the procedure that allows you to store your child’s stem cells.

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Cell Factory with high standards of excellence and GMP certification

At the Bioscience Institute laboratories, it is possible to carry out the biological cryopreservation of stem cells and NK cells from umbilical cord blood. The collection is safe and painless for both mother and baby.

Bioscience Institute is a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified Cell Factory able to preserve and cultivate human cells in compliance with the highest quality required by International Standards.

GMP Certification

How to reach the cryopreservation service offered by our Center

How to enroll

To take advantage of the umbilical cord blood storage service, simply request the Collection Kit by contacting Bioscience Institute and filling out the online form.

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Contract and costs

Bioscience Institute offers parents a direct contract, without using any brokerage company, and provides for the payment of initial costs and an annual fee.

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Guarantees offered

The value of umbilical cord blood is such that a careful evaluation of the guarantees and limits of liability of the company offering the service is necessary.

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Order the Kit

Request Bioscience Institute to provide you with the Collection Kit for storing your child’s cord blood! The request is not bound to any commitment and provides you with a consultation from one of our experts.

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Are you pregnant?

Are you thinking of storing your child's stem cells?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the baby is born and is a valuable source of stem cells.

Until recently it was treated as “waste” and eliminated with hospital waste along with the placenta and the umbilical cord. It is currently used in the treatment of around 100 serious diseases.

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