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Contract and costs

The conservation contract is provided inside the collection kit.
Bioscience Institute, as owner of the laboratories, offers parents a direct contract, without using any brokerage company.

This means that the company:

is directly responsible for its work, committing itself never to transfer the rights deriving from the contract to third parties

contractually undertakes to maintain the quality level of the procedures adopted and the structure in which it operates unchanged over time

stands as the sole interlocutor, as the owner of the laboratories where stem cells are physically stored

Useful information on the contract

Bioscience Institute is the company that signs the contract and at the same time provides the service.

This allows you to have a single point of contact, who responds directly for the work performed as it owns and directly manages the laboratories where the stem cells are physically stored.


If the company with which the CONTRACT is signed is free to transfer the rights to third parties, there is a risk of not being adequately protected: the company to which their stem cells have been entrusted could in fact transfer the rights to a company that does not guarantee the same quality standards.

If the contract is signed by an Italian company:
– the Italian company does not own the laboratories but is only an intermediary, because in Italy, by law, private banks for autologous stem cells are prohibited;
– it is an Italian company that buys the service from foreign banks for resale in Italy.

The costs of the service offered by the Bioscience Institute

The conservation costs include a contribution to conservation and the payment of an annual fee.

To receive the Collection Kit, only the membership costs must be paid in advance, while the payment of the cryopreservation service will be required only after freezing.

Why does the Bioscience Institute propose a contract that provides for the payment of the annual fee?
The Bioscience Institute proposes a contract that provides for the payment of an annual fee because in the biotechnology sector, quality is obtained and maintained over the years only through investments of high economic value. In biological cryopreservation, ensuring a high standard of quality is the only way to preserve cord blood stem cell samples so that they can be used for a transplant. The payment of an annual fee for the maintenance of biological samples represents the safest method to guarantee, year after year, the coverage of the costs generated by their conservation.

Twenty years of conservation and then what?

The contract provides for a minimum duration of cryopreservation of 20 years and can be tacitly extended.

On the one hand, the actual potential of stem cell treatments has been known since 1988, the year in which for the first time a child recovered from Fanconi’s anemia, owing to a transplant of hematopoietic stem cells obtained from the blood of his younger sister who had just been born. 1.

On the other hand, a more recent scientific publication has documented the success of an autologous transplant, in humans, of hematopoietic stem cells stored for a period of 21 years 2.

The Bioscience Institute offers the option of extending the contract while you continue to pay the annual fee 3.

1. The Italian system of hematopoietic stem cell transplants. Alessandro Nanni Costa, National Transplant Center –  ADISCO, 2009
2. Holter J et al. Successful autologous stem-cell transplantation after 21 years of cryopreservation. Transplantation. 2011 Apr 15;91(7):e54-5. doi: 10.1097/TP.0b013e31820f083c
3. Broxmeyer HE et al. Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, generation of induced pluripotent stem cells, and isolation of endothelial progenitors from 21- to 23.5-year cryopreserved cord blood. Blood. 2011 May 5;117(18):4773-7. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-01-330514

Are you pregnant?

Are you thinking of storing your child's stem cells?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the baby is born and is a valuable source of stem cells.

Until recently it was treated as “waste” and eliminated with hospital waste along with the placenta and the umbilical cord. It is currently used in the treatment of around 100 serious diseases.

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