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When to store cord tissue stem cells

The option of using stem cells to treat a wide variety of diseases represents today one of the most important tools made available to humans by medical-scientific research.

By contacting a private biobank such as the Bioscience Institute, it is possible to store the stem cells present in the umbilical cord tissue both for preventive purposes for the newborn, who in the future could use them if he/she were affected by one of the diseases treatable with these cells, and for allogeneic use, that is, to be used by a compatible family member.

List of diseases treatable with stem cells

The list of diseases treatable with stem cells is constantly updated. In many cases these cells are used in approaches that are now considered standard; to these are added numerous cases in which stem cell-based therapies represent promising experimental treatments.

Diseases currently treated with hematopoietic stem cells include, among others:

  • leukemia
  • myelodysplastic syndromes
  • lymphomas
  • anemias
  • hereditary disorders of the immune system
  • hereditary metabolic diseases
  • solid tumors

Other pathologies for which treatments based on the use of umbilical cord stem cells have been tested

The diseases that have been in clinical trials with cord blood or cord tissue stem cells include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • stroke
  • autism
  • cerebral palsy
  • autoimmune diseases
  • cardiovascular disorders
  • diabetes and associated disorders
  • genetic and metabolic diseases
  • arthrosis
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • damage to cartilage
  • erectile dysfunction
  • ovarian failure

For a complete list click here

When and how to act for the autologous conservation of the umbilical cord

Umbilical cord tissue can be collected at the time of delivery, both physiological and caesarean. Families wishing to do so must apply for the Export Authorization (approx. 30 days before the birth) from the Health Department of the hospital where the child will be born.

Bioscience Institute deals with the administrative, logistical and health aspects, assisting its clients in the procedures necessary to obtain the Export Authorization and in the collection of the blood sample at the facility where the delivery will take place.

For more information on the procedures to follow, you can consult the dedicated page.

Are you pregnant?

Are you thinking of storing your child's stem cells?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the baby is born and is a valuable source of stem cells.

Until recently it was treated as “waste” and eliminated with hospital waste along with the placenta and the umbilical cord. It is currently used in the treatment of around 100 serious diseases.

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