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Prenatal Screening

With the next generation of non-invasive prenatal screening, Bioscience Institute provides future parents with the most advanced technologies to assess the health of their babies early and without any risk, from the first weeks of gestation.
A team of qualified professionals will support parents in making thoughtful and informed choices.


G-Test® is a non-invasive prenatal screening test for the early assessment of the risk that the fetus may be affected by a chromosomal abnormality. It has 6 analysis options (2 of which are for twin pregnancies) and boasts high accuracy.

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UltraNIPT 110

ULTRANIPT110 is an expanded non-invasive prenatal screening test. It enables the detection of up to 110 chromosomal anomalies associated with a known syndrome. It has high accuracy and provides the clinical interpretation of any abnormalities detected

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ULTRANIPT DG is a non-invasive prenatal screening test capable of detecting the most common trisomies, DiGeorge Syndrome and DiGeorge Syndrome type 2. The test has high accuracy and provides clinical interpretation of any abnormalities detected.

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OMNIPT is an expanded non-invasive prenatal test that allows the detection of 137 genetic diseases, both chromosomal and monogenic, not linked to a hereditary transmission. It has high accuracy and provides the clinical interpretation of any abnormalities detected.

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