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Expanded test for genetic predisposition to inherited cancer diseases

Cancer hereditary predisposition is caused by gene mutations that can be passed from parent to child, thus increasing the child’s risk of developing cancer. At Bioscience Institute, the critical goal is to intercept cancer predisposition before its development to give the opportunity to maximize health outcomes for patients.

Individuals with a family history of cancer may have an increased risk of cancer if they have inherited a cancer-causing mutation.

Brochure MyCheck Cancer

MyCheck Cancer tests

Using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based assays, we offer a variety of options, including targeted panels that analyze genes directly linked to specific cancers through scientific research. Our MyCheck tests are used to detect specific, heritable, disease-related gene mutations that may increase the risk of certain cancers allowing an in-depth cancer risk assessment for each patient.


MyEndom is a non-invasive test for the screening of endometrial cancer and precancerous lesions. It can identify anomalies which, if confirmed by hysteroscopy, allow the early diagnosis of endometrial cancer.


MyColon is a non-invasive test for the screening of colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions. It can detect abnormalities which, if confirmed by a colonoscopy, allow for the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

MyCheck Breast

When a mutation occurs in the BRCA genes that prevent them from working normally, it raises a person’s risk for breast cancers. The MyCheck Breast test is done to determine if you have changes in your DNA that increase the risk of this cancer.