A contract, signed directly with the company that owns and manages its laboratories where the cells are preserved, allows to be in contact with a single party that is directly responsible for its work.
The CONTRACT of autologous cryopreservation signed with Bioscience Institute SpA is a contract stipulated by parents directly, without intermediaries, with the company owning the laboratories and systems of biological cryopreservation. This means that Bioscience Institute responds directly on its work, promising not to transfer to third parties the rights under the contract. Bioscience Institute, in order to ensure the reliability over time to its customers, undertakes a contractual obligation to maintain the level of quality of the procedures used and the structure in which it operates, through instruments objectively reliable as international certifications.
Why the opportunity to assign the rights to a third party is a risk for the company that signes the contract?
A contract that provides the opportunity for the company to transfer the rights arising from it to another company, or a third party, fails to protect adequately those who entrust their stem cells because it does not guarantee the characteristics of the company or the third party to whom the rights may be transferred.
If the contract is signed by an Italian company:
› It means that the company does not own the workshops but only an intermediary, because in Italy by law there can be no private banks of autologous stem;
› The contract is void, because in violation of the Law 219/2005 in Italy which prohibits any activity related to stem cells, including the business even when stored abroad;
› The contract is void, because in violation of the Law 219/2005 in Italy which prohibits any activity related to stem cells, including the business even when stored abroad;
We wish to highlight the importance of QUALITY, which should be paramount compared to economic elements when choosing the bank where stem cells are to be preserved.
In biological cryopreservation, complying with a high quality standard is the only way of preserving and handling stem cells from the cord to make sure that they can be used for a transplant. In the biotechnology sector QUALITY is a costly requirement, but it is essential in order to have adequate safety guarantees.
An economically advantageous proposal inevitably goes to the detriment of QUALITY.
20 Years and then ?

From 1 January 2010 Bioscience Institute has an agreement in an indirect way with the PHASES - supplementary health care fund for executives of companies producing goods and services. The agreement between Phases Bioscience Institute and allows all members and their family members to avail the service of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood, adipose tissue and amniotic fluid on concessional terms. To request the services of cryopreservation contact the toll free number 800 985 177 and tell the operator the assisted code. Bioscience Institute is connected electronically with the Fund and is able to do real-time verification of serviceability and conveyance of the practice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

From 1 January 2011 Bioscience Institute it has an agreement with the Faschim, Fund Health Care for workers in the chemical, chemical-pharmaceutical, chemical fiber and abrasive sectors, lubricants and LPG created to meet growing needs of healthcare plans Workers of the company and their families.
The agreement between Bioscience Institute and Faschim guarantees to all members and their families who intend to use the service of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord and amniotic fluid preferential treatment and subsidies.
To request the services of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and amniotic, taking advantage of the favorable conditions reserved for assisted to Faschim, simply contact the toll free number 800 985 177 and communicate the code seen.
Bioscience Institute is linked electronically with the Fund and is able to proceed in real time forwarding of practice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

UIL union structure of Credit Insurance and coordinating the trade union representatives of the Company Bank of Naples in Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Lazio.
The agreement between Bioscience Institute and Banco di Napoli UILCA allows all members, and their families up to third degree of kinship, to take advantage of discounts at the service of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord and adipose tissue.
To request the services, taking advantage of the favorable conditions reserved for members UILCA Banco di Napoli, contact the toll free number 800 985 177.

From 1 July 2009 Bioscience Institute has an agreement with the FasiOpen, Open Fund of supplementary health care born of an agreement between Confindustria and Federmanager to meet growing needs of supplementary health care workers of the company and their families.
The agreement between Bioscience Institute and FasiOpen guarantees to all members and their families who intend to use the service of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord and amniotic fluid preferential treatment and subsidies.
To request the services of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and amniotic, taking advantage of the favorable conditions reserved for assisted to FasiOpen, simply contact the toll free number 800 985 177 and communicate the code seen.
Bioscience Institute is linked electronically with the Fund and is able to proceed in real-time verification of serviceability and forwarding of practice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The agreement between Bioscience Institute and SOL Group allows employees of the corporation to use the services of cryopreservation at discounted rates.
For information and to request the collection KIT contact the toll free number 800 985 177.

American multinational leader worldwide in the field of instrumentation scientificae of diagnosticaprenatale and postnatal. The agreement allows all employees and their families to use the service of cryopreservation of stem cells from umbilical cord and adipose-concessional terms and with preferential treatment. For information and to request the collection KIT contact the toll free number 800 985 177.