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Colorectal Cancer Prevention

HELIXCOLON is a prevention program that provides the periodic examination of 245 hotspot regions, located in 14 genes, involved in the development of colorectal cancer. This allows for monitoring of somatic mutation frequencies and genomic stability, the most important indicators in assessing the risk of developing this cancer.

Having control of the genes and mutations that give rise to cancer makes it possible to highlight the risk of developing it even years in advance of early diagnosis.


The HELIXCOLON monitoring program is recommended for all healthy people who intend to periodically monitor their genetic stability by focusing on the mutation frequencies in genes associated with colorectal cancer.

Today, the colorectal cancer screening test used in almost all prevention programs is the fecal occult blood test, which is recommended every 2 years for people between the ages of 50 and 69.


Incidence in the population

In Western countries, colorectal cancer is the second largest malignant cancer in incidence and mortality and represents 13% of all cancers diagnosed after breast cancer in women and third after lung cancer and prostate cancer in men. Currently, the most widely used screening tests in prevention programs are fecal occult blood tests and proctosigmoidoscopy.

Cancer is often the consequence of the evolution of benign lesions of the intestinal mucosa (such as adenomatous polyps), which take a very long period (from 7 to 15 years) to transform into malignant forms.

Risk factors

Risk factors for colorectal cancer are obesity, high-calorie, high-fat, low-fiber diet, age, inflammatory bowel disease, a family history of colon polyps.

What the test evaluates

The HELIXCOLON test can detect genomic instability, assessed by monitoring the frequency of mutations and the main indicator of the prodromal, asymptomatic phase of solid tumors.

An innovative model

With the Helixafe program it is possible to evaluate objective parameters, such as somatic or acquired mutations, which can be analyzed using the most modern techniques of liquid biopsy and sequencing (Next Generation Sequencing). As a result of NGS, it is possible to monitor the mutation frequencies in the patient and then analyze the genomic instability through the algorithm patented by the Bioscience Institute

How the test is performed

The Bioscience Institute offers pre-test advice and provides all useful information about the HELIXAFE prevention program and the execution of the HELYXCOLON test.

All that is required is a simple blood sample (10-20 cc of blood) which can be performed at one of our reference centers or through your doctor.

The sample sent to the Bioscience Institute laboratories is used to obtain the DNA to be sequenced through an advanced technological process that employs Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques. The gene sequences obtained are analyzed through an advanced bioinformatics analysis to determine the presence of any mutations in the genes under examination.

The test results are available in approximately 30 days.


Request the HELIXCOLON test to find out your level of genetic stability.

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