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Microbiome and tumors

Pollution, nutrition, and bad habits are not the only external factors that can influence the development of tumors. The population of microbes living in the human body (the so-called microbiota) also plays a role in the development of cancer.

As a result of microbiome analysis (MICROBALANCE) it is possible to identify changes in the microbiota associated with tumors and to correct them to reduce risk factors.

Microbiota, inflammation, and the immune system

The link between the microbiota and tumor development is complex. It can involve hormonal mechanisms and nerve pathways, or it can depend on the entry of bacteria, molecules of bacterial origin or toxins in the organism.

The link between microbiota, inflammation and the immune system also plays a role. In particular, the factors that can play a role in the development of tumors include:

  • innate immunity and acquired immunity
  • the regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress

The role of bacteria

Sometimes tumor development depends on individual bacterial species. Some can produce toxins that affect inflammation levels, others can affect genome stability, and still others can regulate gene expression. For example, Helicobacter pylori (the gastric ulcer bacterium) is directly involved in the development of esophageal and stomach cancers.

Nutrition can also play its part. Some bacteria, for example, can metabolize red meat derivatives to produce molecules that can damage DNA.

At other times, it is not specific bacteria that promote tumor development, but variations in the composition or density of the microbiota that come into play.

Bacteria against cancer

There is also no shortage of bacteria capable of exerting protective effects against cancer. Not only that, microbiota can also make an important contribution in determining the effectiveness of anticancer therapies and their side effects. Ruminococcaceae, Faecalibacterium and Bacteroides, for example, influence the response to immunotherapy.

Some prebiotics (substances that increase the growth or activity of the gut microbiota) can also help prevent cancer by acting as antioxidants and reducing inflammation.


As a result of the MICROBALANCE test you can find out the profile of your microbiota and plan corrective interventions based on nutrition (and possibly on the intake of food supplements) to optimize it.

To obtain more information and request the kit for the collection, contact us by emailing or fill out the following request form to be contacted without obligation by one of our trusted biologists.

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