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Giuseppe Novelli


Scientist, Geneticist, Rector of Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy

Nicola Aceto


Swiss National Science Foundation Assistant Professor of Oncology and Group Leader of the Cancer Metastasis laboratory at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Maurizio Scaltriti


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Chief Phatology Dept. - Associate Attending Biologist in Pathology and in the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Associate Director of Translational Science for the Center of Molecular-Based Therapies.

Daniele Generali


Professor in Medical Oncology. Clinical University Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Science. University of Trieste – Acting Director of Multidisciplinary Surgical Unit of Breast Disorders and Translational Research Cremona.

Mario Roselli


Professor in Medical Oncology - University Roma Tor Vergata. Member of the Tor Vergata Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Principal Investigator (PI) and co-investigator to several clinical projects.

Philip Jermann


Operational Manager and Contract R&D Unit in Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel CH

Luigi Terracciano


Professor of Pathology and Head of the Molecular Pathology Division of the Institute of Pathology at the University Hospital in Basel.

Luigi Tornillo


Professor of Pathology, University of Basel. National Academic Qualification as Full Professor of Pathology, MIUR Rome. ESP EQA for molecular pathology as assessor.

Michela Biancolella

USA - Italy

Oncogenetics assistant professor research and teaching, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA and Tor Vergata University - Rome, Italy.

Alessandra Zagnoli

San Marino

Biologist specialized in Applied Genetics. Head of Applied Genetics Laboratory at Bioscience Institute, San Marino.