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آخر الأخبار

Covid-19, susceptibility to Sars-CoV-2 linked to telomere shortening

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Telomere shortening, a feature of aging, could increase the susceptibility to Sars-CoV-2 infection. This is the conclusion of a study published on EMBO Reports by a team of scientists led…

UK, 10-year cryopreserved eggs storage limit abolished

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There is no scientific reason to restrict the storage of cryopreserved eggs to a maximum time of 10 years. That is why the UK government will abolish this 10-year limit,…

Innovation, Bioscience Genomics winner of the Special Prize “Leonardo Startup”

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Bioscience Genomics is the winner of the Special Prize “Leonardo Startup”, promoted by Comitato Leonardo – Italian Quality Committee, together with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) and the…


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